Dr. Kim Smith, Acting Superintendent Mount Vernon City School District 165 N. Columbus Avenue Mount Vernon, New York 10553 www.mtvernoncsd.org Tel: (914) 665-5201 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
District Profile
2024 – 2025 Estimated Data
7,230 K-12 students, including 697 charter school pupils
372 prekindergarten children
614 English Language Learner (ELL) students (does not include Pre-K)
Services to students speaking 22 languages
766 teachers and administrators
84 guidance counselors, psychologists, social workers and medical staff
884 support staff (teacher aides, clerical, transportation, lunch and maintenance)
3,495 breakfasts and 4,111 lunches served daily
777 total public school students transported daily to 24 public schools
43 total non-public students transported daily to 12 non-public schools*
* Mount Vernon transports only special education pupils, pupils in federally designated schools requiring choice options and homeless pupils.