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60Years web

The Conference of Big 5 School Districts seeks to promote a more equitable and adequate funding system
and the delivery of a high quality education to all children.

Our belief is that all children can succeed and should be afforded appropriate support and educational opportunities throughout their lives.

Member Districts

HuthPhoto KAH 5789 web homeThe Conference of Big 5 School Districts represents the city school districts of Buffalo, New York City, Rochester, Syracuse, Yonkers, City School District of Albany, Mount Vernon and Utica...

About Us

Mel Pelcher Physics 2 webThe Conference of Big 5 School Districts represents the city school districts of Buffalo, New York City, Rochester, Syracuse, Yonkers, Albany, Mount Vernon, and Utica.
➢ Our urban school districts enroll 43% of New York State’s...

State Budget/Legislative Issues

Capitol web5State Budget Testimony: Conference of Big 5 School Districts Budget Testimony Before New York State Legislative Fiscal and Education Committees, February 1, 2024...